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Is there a company where one person is the best in all parts? - NO! Can you be CEO of Microsoft without being able to turn on a PC? - Probably?​


School is the institution that prepares students for living in the world outside. So, how is the world outside?

When the kids in school today leave and move on to the work market, they will be working in teams, where everyone has his / her own area of expertise, but they still have one competence in common - the ability to cooperate to find solutions. 

No teacher or government should decide which area of expertise each individual student wants to follow. On the individual approach to the students, the teacher should be a mentor that helps reaching your achievements and goals. When pupils chose the task / topic, tools and media, motivation will be a much smaller issue than it is when a teacher tries to force the pupils to learn something that they find absolutely unnecessary.

In the group the teacher must challenge the personalities so they learn how to act in different roles in a group, depending on the task.

Bring the world into the school.

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